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If paying for an event, go to dropdown for "Donation Category" and select the event.
If buying an ad, select Ad Book.

To donate or pay for events or ads by check:

  1. Click image below to download the contribution form. Print it and mail with your check, or email it to, indicating what it's for in the message. 

  2. ​Make check payable to: Orange Democratic Town Committee

  3. ​Send to: Orange Democratic Town Committee, PO Box 706, Orange, CT 06477


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Chair Jody Dietch: 203-314-9975 email. 

ODTC: email.

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© 2024 Orange Democratic Town Committee, Orange, CT.​

*We will not sell or share your email address.

Paid for by the Orange Democratic Town Committee, Patricia S. Romano, Treasurer.

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