Now more than ever, local elections matter! The offices of First Selectman, Tax Collector, seats on Boards, and more will be on the ballot Nov 4.
Missed the info session held February 26?
No worries! Just email Melissa Johnston with any questions, to express interest in running for office, or to volunteer to help candidates.
​Want to be with like-minded people at this turbulent time in our country? Democrats are making strides and helping Orange move forward!
Join us the 3rd Tuesday of any month at 7pm, High Plains Community Center, Senior Cafe. All are welcome. Learn about the ODTC.
Get accurate and relevant updates and info, curated for Orange residents. We proudly publish Orange's ONLY comprehensive enewsletter covering issues and events from town groups... and more!
Go here to sign up now and see past issues. ​
You're Invited! Get details
Run for Office or Help Candidates
​​​​Are you concerned or outraged about the current political direction? Learn what opportunities exist for getting involved locally - where you can truly make a difference!
If interested email Melissa Johnston with any questions.​

What We Care About
Orange Democrats advance the ideals of democracy and advocate for Orange residents. Learn how and why we engage with others, foster civic participation, and much more.
Your Elected Officials

As part of our commitment to transparency and providing useful info to all residents of Orange, ODTC Chair Jody Dietch shares updates in the Milford-Orange Times.

February 19, 2025: What It Means To Run For Elected Office
​See all articles​​